“The name "quokka" comes from the name given to the animal by the Aboriginal people living in the Augusta and King George Sound area of the south-west of Western Australia.”
“ the females suckle their young in a pouch. They give birth in late summer, after a gestation period of twenty-seven days, and the young quokka remains in the pouch until August or September, and is then suckled for a further two months.
The quokka reaches maturity at about one-and-a-half to two years of age, and lives to be ten years old.”
Quokka´s are ruminants, which means they swallow their food and then later throw it up and then chews on it, just like a cow.
Funny enough the quokka and various other animals in australia are in the same family as the kangaroo. But please dont touch or feed the quokkas, they are dangerous!
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